Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sequence in Learning and Rote

It is important for teachers to use sequence in learning and rote to help students practice repeatedly. Sequence and rote helps students remember things because they get to do the same concept over again. Also it is easier for students to grasp concepts because they only have to learn a little part at a time. Then when it is all put together into a large part they will have practiced it over and over again so they will feel confident in knowing the whole thing. Sequence can help students learn too because then there is a specific order to doing things and they will remember this. Besides students must know how to sequence things because lists and order is all over the place.

Steps for Teaching by Rote
1. modeling/provide an example
2. use non-verbal gestures
3. chunk it-lump into smaller examples
4. do it as a whole

1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    Great connection with sequence and learning information in manageable amounts. Also, consider sequential learning a an opportunity to focus on the process rather than the end product:-)
