Friday, May 18, 2012

Balancing Extra Curricular Activities with School

I think sometimes it is really hard to balance extra curricular activities and school. In high school it seemed like I always had extra curriculars whether it be conditioning, basketball, soccer or a club and I was up very late a lot because I would get home from practice late and still have to do homework. I think for children it is all of the adults in their lives job to make sure there is a proper balance and they are not getting overloaded with things and stressed out. I believe as a teacher it is important to realize that children have other activities to do so as not to pile them with tons of homework. However I think it is fair to make sure that school is known to be the priority and the homework needs to be doe. I think it is also the coach or person in charge of the activities job to realize that school comes first for students and they need to be understanding when they have a lot of school work to do. My coaches have always made it known that school comes first and we have always had to maintain good grades or we were not allowed to play. Here at WSC coach checks our grades every semester and if there is a class we have to take during practice because there is no other time she is understanding about it. I think this is the way it should be because we are actually there for school and that is what is going to help us  in the long run so it has to be priority. Some kids want to do everything and their parents need to make sure there is a healthy balance and they are not doing too many things at once.


  1. I agree with you Heather. Some students think they can do it all, but it is our job as parents and teachers to step in and remind them that school comes first. No matter how involved they are. It isn't fair to students to have to do so much homework when we know students have a lot of extra curricular activities. But it also is not fair to us to have to plan around the extra curricular activities when school should be the first priority for a student.

  2. Great comments, both Heather and Alyssa. Alyssa--you touched on the most important item: school should be the FIRST priority, and often it is not (think about how many days are canceled for activities, how much school students miss for away games, etc).
