Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Assignment #1

1.  How do you use music in YOUR life?
I love to listen to music. I also like singing but only when I am by myself. I usually have it going whenever I do homework, it seems to keep me focused. Also whenever I exercise it helps me to work hard. Sometimes I like to just sit and listen to it because it relaxes me. I always have it playing when I go to bed because it helps me calm down and fall asleep. Finally I use music is to praise God.
2. What musical activities and interests did you have as a child?
I tried to play the trumpet for a year when I was in grade school. Also I liked to sing in the choir in grade school. When I was a camp counselor I would sing but I mostly joked and got laughed at because I was so bad which I didn't mind because I was kind of a clown and I know I'm not good haha. However my interest in musical activities did not go much farther than that because I am more into sports and do not have much musical capabilities at all. I would love to more musically inclined but I have absolutely no rhythm at all. Therefore I just stuck to what I am good at as a child.
3.  Have you observed children at musical play?
Yes I have watched my siblings when they have programs at school for music class. Also the little kids I used to babysat were very good at singing and acting and so I would go to their performances.
4.  Are there some musical skills you are able to teach to children more easily than others?
I have not really explored many musical skills because I have not really done anything musically. I could maybe sing songs with them but I feel like that is about it because I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to music. However I hope to change that.
5.  What do you think that all children should be able to do, musically, as a result of a MUSICAL education?
I think children should be able to sing songs and know some notes. I think they should be able to identify different types of music. Also I think they should be able to do the national standards of music.
6.  Have you ever observed a teacher integrating music into the classroom?  Cite examples.
Yes when I went to visit my cousins in Arizona I was able to observe both of their first grade classrooms. They both used music in their classrooms to keep the class in order. For example when they needed the kids to quiet down they would sing a little chant to them and they would have to respond. Also they would play music while the children worked on their assignments or when they came in from recess and it seemed to keep them calm and relaxed.
7.  How do you think music can be integrated into the elementary classroom?
 I believe music can be used in the classroom in many different ways. I think it can be used to help students remember concepts in other subjects. I really like the days of the week song to help the kids remember those. Also I think it can be used to help keep the kids calm and collected during the day. Plus I think it can just be used for fun when they need to get out some energy.
8.  How do you think music can be used as an interdisciplinary tool in the elementary classroom?
I think it is very helpful for getting the children to line up or quiet down and get ready for a lesson. It gets their attention and like you said in class when they have to use their mouths they will not be talking anymore.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT Post, Heather! I am happy to see that you are open and willing to learn more about how to integrate music into your classroom to meet the needs of differentiated learners. Your attention to detail will make you a fine teacher!
